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What could you do better with fresh air?

Ventilation design is often more focused on the room space itself instead of the occupants and their activities. Increasing the amount of fresh air can improve focus and concentration, whilst reducing symptoms such as headaches, eye irritation coughing, and chest tightness. Fresh air is important to our performance in many aspects of our life.

I can think better

Airflow, air quality, temperature, and sound level are all factors that affect our cognitive performance. Increasing the amount of fresh air can improve focus and concentration making it a benefit to productivity in an office environment. 



I can work better

Experiencing problems in work environments with poor air quality affects comfort,  wellbeing and energy levels. There is also a link between the air change rate and sick leave. An excellent indoor climate is crucial to the health and productivity of your employees. 



I can play better

When trying to stay healthy, the quality of air that goes into the body should be taken into consideration in the same way that we should take care over the quality of food that we eat. Exposure to polluted air can cause a significant reduction in the performance of active individuals.



I can heal better

The air turnover rate in rooms with high hygiene requirements is usually 20-40 times higher than in a normal home. Replacing damaged cells increases your body's need for oxygen. Fresh air makes us feel happier and more relaxed and has a measurable effect on our circulatory system, recovery time, and overall health.



I can grow better

We spend an average of 58 years at home where the indoor air can be as much as five times more polluted than outdoor air. Exposurto air pollution at a young age can inhibit lung growth, increase the risk of conditions such as asthma and hinder brain development.



I can learn better

Poor air quality does not only affecting our well-being. It also reduce our ability to focus and be productive. Improving ventilation rates and reducing CO2 concentration in classrooms, aids attention, speed and concentration. Ensuring good air quality is an investment in both the student's health and school results.



I can sleep better

People in areas with high levels of air pollution are 60 percent more likely to sleep poorly than those with cleaner air. A bad night's sleep could affect your productivity the next day. By selecting a hotel that has prioritised a healthy indoor climate you will wake up fresh and ready for a new day.