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Arvo Pärt Centre in Laulasmaa, Estonia

Arvo Pärt is an Estonian composer of contemporary classical music. His minimalist music is unique, atmospheric and mesmerising. The Arvo Pärt Centre is an open meeting place for musicians, researchers and music enthusiasts interested in Arvo Pärt’s world of ideas and music. The centre combines the composer’s personal archive with information, research and music and is located on a peninsula 35 kilometres from Tallin - in a quiet setting of pine forest near the sea.

Listening to nature

Lindab provided a solution for the building, which required an inspiring stillness for the outdoor environment, to create opportuni­ties to listen to music in nature and enjoy the soothing view of the forest.

”The project had a particular approach to sound and silence, so one of the challenges was to create a quiet outdoor environment, eliminating any signs of air intake and outlet noise from the ventilation system”, says Rain Siim, project expert for acoustic solutions at Lindab.




Preventing room-to-room noise

The Arvo Pärt Center includes a concert hall, library, resear­ch facilities and music practice rooms. The building required acoustic solu­tions for the ventilation ductwork to prevent any room-to-room noise transfer and had very strict noise criteria for the backround noise levels of the HVAC systems. Lindab was invited to be one of the key consultants in the design phase of the project, due to our market leading expertise in acoustic solutions.

Product highlights

To ensure the best outcome of the project, Lindab delivered complete ventilation ductwork and attenuators for this classical music sanctuary.

See Lindab sound attenuation products here.